Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Safety Unit

Included in our third semester guidance work is a unit on safety, which includes the prevention of sexual abuse to children. I thought it would be important for you as caretakers to have information in case your child discloses that he/she has been sexually abused. What follows are guidelines compiled by the state of Vermont. Please feel free to call me if you have any follow-up questions or call the Department of Child and Family Services at 800-649-5285.

If your child has been sexually abused:
  • Find a private place to talk
  • Stay calm.
  • Believe what your child tells you.
  • Thank your child for telling you and praise his/her courage. Let them know it is NOT their fault.
  • Be careful at this time not to make negative comments to your child about the abuser. This is likely someone your child knows.
  • Do not continue to question your child repeatedly, as this could jeopardize an investigation. If they want to talk about the abuse, listen carefully.
  • At this time do not correct your child's language if he/she does not use the proper terms for private body parts. Use their language.
  • Respect the feelings your child is experiencing. Each child feels differently.
  • Tell your child you will be taking action to keep her safe, but be careful not to promise things you can not control.
  • Call Department of Child and Family's 24-hour Child Protection hotline to report the abuse-1-800-649-5285. DCF staff will work with law enforcement to address the situation and will help you figure out the next steps.